Course Description

Primary Care Providers are qualified and well suited for the medical management of eating disorders in the out-patient setting. Unfortunately, most PCPs feel unprepared and unequipped with working with this patient population. The purpose of this presentation is to help providers feel comfortable and confident in discussing eating disorders with their patients, and equipped with the knowledge of how to manage and when to refer. 

Learning Objectives

1. Diagnosis of the most common Eating Disorders

2. Red Flags and Referrals in Eating Disorders, including assessing for appropriate Level of Care and risks for Refeeding Syndrome

3. Out-Patient Medical Management of Eating Disorders

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

About the Instructor

 Dr. Kara Menzer graduated from Bastyr University in 2014. She has a primary care practice in Seattle, WA. Dr. Menzer also provides medical management of eating disorders in a team of other healthcare providers for outpatient, intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs. When not seeing patients or charting, she can be found geeking out about Tolkien and playing dress-up with her kid.